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What the Press Says

"The wonderful Wild Center..." 

— Frommer's Guides

"linger in this glorious place..." 

— The Wall Street Journal

"..paradis pour les environmentalistes.." 

— Le Journal de Montreal


— The New York Times

"...the place to go.." 

— The Boston Globe

"a very interactive place.." 

— Montreal Gazette

"Stunning state-of the-art museum..." 

— Reader's Digest

"Don't miss The Wild Center.." 

— USA Today

"You've never seen a museum like this." 

Outside Magazine

"...highlight of your visit..." 

— Baby Center


Calendar of Eventsk

Throughout the year there are eXpeditions, snowshoe hikes, guided birding walks, BYOB (boat!) trips, talks and more. Find out more. 

Exhibit Tour 2013

What's happening at The Wild Center?

There's a day's worth of things to see and do at the 54,000-square-foot Center and on our 81-acre campus.

Come explore the exhibit halls, meet one of our many animals at an animal encounter, take a woodland walk down to the Raquette River, join us for a live show, or watch one of many amazing films produced by The Wild Center. It's all covered by your single admission.

Wild Walk is officially closed until summer 2016, but our ground level trails are open and we offer free snowshoes with admission when the snow collects.

The Wild Center's movie, A Matter of Degrees, narrated by Sigourney Weaver, was a finalist at the Banff Mountain Film Festival and first prize winner at the National Association for Interpretation. Filmed exclusively for The Wild Center's wide screen, it's screened each day.

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